Implementations Consultant

Stavanger 21.02.2025 Fixed workplace Infrastructure

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Centric consists of over 3,700 employees in the Nordics and EMEA, who deliver over 5,000 customers and more than 200 different software and infrastructure solutions to our customers. Millions of users get their work done every day using solutions from Centric. Centric has a strong focus in many industries related to the public sector, logistics, retail, finance, insurance, energy, renewables and general industry, etc. We have a strong culture of sharing and our consultants are keen to share their experiences and contribute to moving customer projects forward.

What you do

For a client in Stavanger we are looking for an implementation consultant to strengthen their QHSE Consultancy team. Our client has a module based application used to collect, process and analyze information related to ESG, Incident and Risk Management. The role will report to the Head of Section QHSE Implementations for Europe, Middle East and Africa team and may involve travel to customer sites within the regions supported. In this role you will actively work with external customers, configure and implement, but also give advice and guidance related to the customer's software and best practices in line with their customers’ requirements. 

What you bring to the team

  • Languages – fluent English , fluent Norwegian
  • Experience of relational databases (SQL Server/Oracle)
  • Bachelor Degree 
  • Windows Server / Web technologies 
  • Programming language experience -SQL - required high level of knowledge, (/C#/.Net/Powerhell/Python)- not necessary but will be an advantage 
  • Good knowledge of Synergi life system including database structure- not necessary but will be an advantage 
  • QHSE knowledge will be an advantage 
  • Knowledge about Azure cloud based services will be an advantage

What we offer

  • When you work in Centric, you will be permanently employed. 
  • You will get the opportunity to take relevant certifications.
  • Become part of a company in strong growth, with many opportunities to put good ideas into practices. Our culture is defined by collaboration as equals, embracing mistakes, and celebrating each other's successes.
  • You get the opportunity to develop yourself and we make it possible for you to be able to excel, whether it is in subjects, sales, management or systems.
  • We understand that everyday life can be varied and challenging, and have flexible solutions for all our employees to ensure that everyone can have the workday they want.
  • Competitive conditions in the form of leisure time offers, pensions and insurance agreements.

Varierende arbeidsoppgaver

Gode muligheter for karriereutvikling

Konkurransedyktige goder og betingelser

Har du spørsmål?

Astri Morgan-Smith, Regionledere Region Vest

Ta gjerne kontakt med Astri på tel. +47 926 986 83 eller

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  • Første møte

    Vi møtes for å bli bedre kjent med hverandre. Vi ser på din bakgrunn, din kompetanse og snakker om dine ønsker og mål. Vi snakker også om Centric og hva vi kan gjøre for deg

  • Veien videre

    Har vi felles interesser så går vi videre i prosessen. Vi vil presentere deg for prosjekter og oppdrag hos våre kunder og sjekke minst to referanser. Prosessen etter det kan variere litt da våre kunder er forskjellige. Det får du vite underveis i prosessen. Vi har uansett alltid fokus på å ivare ta deg og dine interesser godt. Og med dette starter vår felles reise - velkommen til Centric!