European Union funded project

UAB Centric IT Solutions Lithuania is currently implementing the European Union funded project “Improving the Qualifications, Knowledge and Skills of Centric IT Solutions Lithuania UAB Employees” No. 09.4.3-ESFA-T-846-01-0129 (the "Project"). The company is part of International Centric BV, which provides IT services, financial and engineering solutions and advice to over 4,300 qualified professionals in Europe and beyond.
UAB Centric IT Solutions Lithuania must invest in human resources development, employee training to help them improve and acquire the knowledge needed to accomplish the tasks assigned to them to ensure high quality of service and quality work for their employees. During the implementation of the project, it is planned to train current and future employees of UAB Centric IT Solutions Lithuania by developing and providing the specific competencies necessary for performing direct job functions in daily work. Target groups of the project - existing and newly recruited employees of UAB Centric IT Solutions Lithuania, who will participate in the training. The applicant seeks to provide his or her staff with knowledge and skills in specific IT and other areas when planning training. The knowledge and competencies gained by the employees during the training will directly contribute to the fulfillment of the day-to-day functions of UAB Centric IT Solutions Lithuania. Positive changes in the applicant's activities are expected to occur both during and after the implementation of the project. Investments in project implementation will achieve both quantitative (trained staff) and qualitative (increased staff qualifications and knowledge) results. The project will create added value by increasing the number of competent employees, increasing the competitiveness of the company and adapting to the needs of the market.
This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund under Priority 9 "Public Education and Enhancing Human Resources Potential" of the European Union Funds Operational Program 2014-2020. 09.4.3-ESFA-T-846 Measure Training for Foreign Investor Employees.
The total value of the project is 267 927,20 EUR, of which 133 963,60 EUR comes from the European Union subsidy and 133 963,60 EUR from the company's own contribution. Project activities started 2019-02-12 and will be completed by 2022-08-12.