"Who needs such knowledge sharing? I will explain it with a simple comparison: one person can't read the entire Internet, but a large crowd can read a great deal and share with each other the findings. And that is what the DevOps culture emphasizes - knowledge sharing is a necessary part of our progress, not only within the company but also among other companies, in the market," Mantas concludes.
The content of the conference is versatile: from the introduction of specific tools, implementation of successful DevOps practices, to IT security issues.
"Here in Kaunas, we work a lot with such IT tools like Terraform and Ansible. We know them quite well and use them to build infrastructure. So, a few presentations will focus on these tools: what they can do, their perks and benefits, and why they are superior to other tools. During the workshop sessions, our best specialists will introduce these tools to our colleagues and then we will all build and configure new test infrastructures," Tomas says.
Attention will also be paid to the currently very important topic of security. Constantly emphasizing the speed and fluidity of product development, the security aspect is often unduly neglected, therefore, one of the Dutch team leaders, responsible for infrastructure security, has been invited to speak on this subject.
According to Mantas, even though this is the first event of this kind, people are already thinking about its continuity, "We hope that this conference will become the first step and a kind of backbone that will allow us to move forward in the future by involving other business units and integrating more topics that are important to the success of the organization."