There's a saying that expresses how we relate to work/life balance: work to live, not live to work. We strive to make sure our colleagues have opportunities both inside and outside of Centric to grow professionally and personally, while also keeping in mind each person's individual lifestyles and circumstances. We value flexibility and keep in mind that our people have lives outside of work. We want them to find happiness and health in all areas of life - so we try to find a win-win in every situation.

Centric Culture

How would you describe Centric in three words?
People oriented. Resourceful. Fun
What's the best part of working at Centric that you wouldn't be able to see on a tour?
Interactions between employees, knowledge sharing sessions, the fun retrospective meetings, all the parties that we have in order to celebrate our hard work.
What makes you proud to work at Centric?
Being part of the big picture and adding value to Centric products.
How does your manager support and motivate you and your team?
Frequent 1 to 1 meetings, informal meetings, PDP guidance trying to push you to improve yourself and exceling along your career path, and, of course, letting you know that you can talk to them whenever you need them.
Why do you like working here and what motivates you to come to work every day?
The work environment. This perfectly describes my motivation. When you have amazing people around you that radiate positivity and that are trying to improve themselves, you strive to be better and better at what you do. And also, I like what I do and that matters a lot when talking about being motivated to come to work.

What's the best part of working at Centric that you wouldn't be able to see on a tour?
What’s really hard to spot, in my opinion, is the cross-country rapport, the strong friendships and work relationships established over 2000 km.
What is the company's approach to career development?
As an employee I’ve never felt more encouraged to learn and evolve.
What makes you proud to work at Centric?
I believe Centric Romania is one of the greatest workplaces in Iasi, looking at the office vibe, the products our teams deliver, the way software development practices have been implemented, etc.
What are some things the company has done to accommodate employees with families?
For me at least, beside all the events like Centric Santa or 1st of June parties or present bonuses for them, the key benefit would be the flexible schedule so that employees can easily plan their day. Basically, you can have any work arrangement as long as you deliver on your promises.
How does the organization promote work-life balance for its employees?
When hired, I was the only non-Dutch member of my team. One of the first things I learned from our Dutch colleagues was the following: “Family comes first, if you have a problem, do whatever you have to do to fix it and rest assured, the work will be there when you come back!”.

How would you describe Centric in three words?
People. Culture. Collaboration.
What kind of flexible work arrangements do people have?
The part time arrangement helped me to accommodate much easier to work after the maternity leave.
Does the company give back to the community? In what ways?
I believe that Centric is one of the most engaged companies in Iasi: the scholarship fund for young students, the donations given for renovating classrooms, the money given to Casa Share, Christmas donations for poor children around Iasi, and so on.

How would you describe Centric in three words?
Care, respect, growth
What's the best part of working at Centric that you wouldn't be able to see on a tour?
The things that would be harder to see on a tour are the interactions between people. One of the things I appreciate most is the support you get from managers to achieve your goals.
What makes you proud to work at Centric?
I’m proud to see how the company and the people behind it have grown in the last few years. I’m proud to see that we believe in our values and we promote them, and most of all, that we believe in our people.
Why do you like working here and what motivates you to come to work every day?
I like working here because you have a lot of opportunities to improve yourself, and you’re encouraged to grow.
How does the organization promote work-life balance for its employees?
Centric promotes a healthy work/life balance through the benefits the company offers: flexible schedule, gym membership, extra vacation days, the option to work from home and to adjust the number of hours you work per week.

How would you describe Centric in three words?
Reliable. Adaptable. Fun.
Is risk-taking encouraged, and what happens when people fail?
Yes, it is encouraged and when people fail, we generally try to learn from it and transform it into something good.
Why do you like working here and what motivates you to come to work every day?
The colleagues, the motivation to finish the started projects, and the hope that our work will turn into something useful for the world.
How does Centric promote work-life balance for its employees?
I would say we have a good balance. Extra working hours are usually not recommended. There are various programs that promote and raise awareness about how and why we should live a healthy life. People generally tend to understand and give support when real life things must take precedence.