#GrowWithCentric: From intern to Tech Lead, 7 years of continuous development

We often state that growth is a big part of our culture, so we offer our Centricians the means and methods to improve their skills constantly. Andrei started his career path in Centric almost 7 years ago and went from an internship position to technical leadership. Find out how he grew with Centric in the story below.

Tech Lead

Andrei Anton

How did you start in Centric?

A friend from the university who was working at Centric recommended me for an internship here. He told me many nice things about the company, so I decided to apply for an internship here.

What is your position today?

I am Tech Lead and currently working on two projects - one only Frontend & one Full Stack , but I'm also involved in many other Centric initiatives. I am a trainer in School of Centric, front-end area owner in Centric Romania, and part of the code quality initiative.

What was the drive that got you from intern to tech lead?

I always liked learning new things and growing my expertise level, so I always strived to learn as many things as possible and surpass my limits. After the internship, I spent my time learning and trying new things. In the projects that I was involved in, my goal was to help with improvements and, in the end, learn something new myself. All that brought me to where I am today.

What motivates you to learn?

The drive to know as many things and the desire to push my limits. Although I don't have as much time as I used to for learning, I still keep myself up to date to stay relevant and become better and better.

How do you make time for learning?

I prioritize my time and my tasks, so I still have some time left to read what's new at the end of the day.

What was your biggest failure, and what did you learn from it?

I don't think I experienced such a "big" failure. I remember working on a project a few years back that had an unsuccessful deployment. We worked on solving the problem then, but the entire team and I learned then and there the importance of code quality and app performance.

What is your favorite success story?

A significant grade at SIG received for one of the projects I am part of. But also a Centric Hackathon that we won with a team full of juniors competing against more senior colleagues.

What kinds of learning and growth practices do you have?

For me, constantly reading new information and participating in conferences are excellent ways to keep myself up to date with the latest trends and technologies. For instance, if I hear about new technology, I dig a little deeper and inform myself about it, and I also try to see how it works so I can better understand it.

What advice would you give someone just starting their career?

Work hard, trust their ideas, and dare to express them because you can have a great idea regardless of your seniority level. Also, don't go only for the "newest technology," because you can learn new things every day even with older technologies.

Who has been the most inspirational person for your career and why?

Someone who helped me when starting my career was the Tech Lead of one of my first projects. I learned a lot from him, and I felt we were always on the same page.